2022年10月30日 星期日




PS軟件具有海報內寘規格。 垂直海報的尺寸為18英寸寬、24英寸高,即45.72釐米寬、60.96釐米高。 如果是300點數,則寬度為5400點數,高度為7200點數。


寬29.7 X高42.0釐米

寬36.5 X高50.0釐米

寬42.0 X高57.0釐米

寬50.0 X高73.0釐米


以下演示使用Lenovo Saver R9000K、Windows11、Photoshop 2022.23.0.0。


2.在新檔案視窗頂部的水准選項卡上,找到“草稿和插圖”選項,如上圖所示。 此時,右側的預設細節將顯示我們的大小。 默認尺寸為18x24英寸,分辯率為300點數英寸。 這裡的關鍵點是顏色模式。 如果需要列印,請將其更改為CMYK



隨著印刷科技的發展,印刷和製作海報的成本越來越低,根據不同的場景和需求,海報規格也越來越多樣化。 例如,德基室內海報的大小可能與我們在商場中看到的數位產品不同。

在確定設計草圖之前,我們可以與幾家印刷製造商進行溝通。 我們可以聽取他們對尺寸和海報資料的建議,他們在實際應用場景中有更多的經驗。







2022年10月22日 星期六

It is said that the window split type air conditioner is not good. Why did it suddenly catch fire? The air conditioner master said: what is suitable is good

 There are many types of air conditioners. For example, there are cabinet air conditioners, wall mounted air conditioners, central air conditioners and window air conditioners. Many friends feel bad about window split type air conditioners because they are cheap. But recently, it suddenly became a big fire. What causes it? As for window air conditioners, Zatan's family consulted the air conditioner master, and the answer is very good for your family. Why is it so hot? Because there is a suitable location. Now let's share the window air conditioner. (1) What is window air conditioner? The window air conditioner, as the name implies, is the air conditioner installed on the window. Therefore, the definition of window air conditioner is equivalent to our traditional wall mounted air conditioner and cabinet air conditioner. Window type air conditioners are divided into cold air type and cold warm type according to different performance. For example, the cold air window air conditioner can cool, ventilate and dehumidify during operation. However, the temperature must not rise. The cold and warm window type air conditioner not only has the function of the cold air type air conditioner, but also can heat. However, in fact, the main heating medium is the electric heating wire. (2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of window air conditioners? In fact, the reason for the sudden fire of window air conditioners mainly depends on the characteristics of window air conditioners. As for the advantages and disadvantages of window air conditioners, let's summarize them as follows.

Favorable conditions ①, one of the biggest advantages of cheap window air conditioners is that they are cheap. As the window air conditioner uses less materials than other air conditioners, the overall manufacturing cost is relatively low. For example, an ordinary window air conditioner costs about 800 yuan to 12000 yuan. This is equivalent to our traditional wall phone, which can basically save hundreds of yuan. ② Easy to install Windows The air conditioners are all integrated, so they are very convenient to install. As long as the size of our windows meets the requirements, almost all windows can be used to install window air conditioners. ③ . Save power costs. The power consumption of window air conditioners should be small when they are used. Compared with the air conditioners of the same number of horses, this can save a lot. Because the window type air conditioners are all in the chassis, the transmission loss can be basically reduced. Compared with cabinet and wall mounted machines, it really saves more power. ④ Convenient maintenance Because the window type air conditioner is an integrated air conditioner, it is convenient for maintenance. Because the whole system of the window type air conditioner is on one machine, even if there is a fault, there is no need to climb up and down, so the maintenance is more convenient. Disadvantages ①. Daylighting is affected. Since window type air conditioners are installed on windows, the glass at this position is usually occupied. Therefore, this installation mode will undoubtedly affect the indoor lighting.

For example, the lighting of the house is poor and the house is small. If the window type air conditioner is installed, the indoor light will be almost blocked. ② Noise is the second typical disadvantage of window air conditioners. If you install a window air conditioner on the bedroom window, you can hardly sleep at night. Listen to the machine buzzing. Therefore, in fact, window air conditioners are not suitable for bedrooms. If you like quiet or shallow sleeping friends, you can't choose. ③ In fact, you can also consider it. Our windows are air-conditioned. Strangely, it looks good. Therefore, now there is another situation, that is, it is installed on the hole. However, the current construction is not allowed to start. They can only be installed by building houses in their homes and leaving holes in advance. (3) Why is the window air conditioner on fire recently? Finally, I would like to emphasize why window air conditioners have suddenly become hot again recently. In fact, through the above introduction, we will find that window air conditioners are not suitable for most families. Only the following two cases are excluded. ① In the kitchen, you should feel that the kitchen will be very hot, sweaty and uncomfortable when cooking in summer. At this time, the advantages of window air conditioner are shown. We installed curtains on the kitchen windows. It's very comfortable to turn on the air conditioner when cooking. This is also the most fundamental reason why the window air conditioner catches fire. ② Storeroom For example, many buildings have storerooms with basements. When decorating, we usually consider opening windows for ventilation. However, the storeroom generally has no external windows. Therefore, in this case, if it is allowed to open holes in the wall, it is very good to install window type air conditioners. Because window air conditioners can cool, heat and ventilate. In fact, window air conditioners are not suitable for the whole family. Therefore, you must be careful when choosing. However, there is one place in the family that can be considered: our kitchen. Of course, before selecting a window, you should consider the specific conditions of the window.

2022年10月15日 星期六




許多人想賺錢。 當然,他們賺得越多越好,但他們不願意花錢或花得越少越好。

你有沒有想過,你之所以能賺錢,是因為有人敢於花錢。 如果每個人都錢包緊,不花錢,沒有人能賺錢。



那我該怎麼辦? 多花錢,多花錢。


於是,一種金融創新出現了……我沒有錢。 我可以從銀行借錢。

你可以賺更多,花更多,你也可以借更多,花得更多。 不管你賺了多少錢或從銀行借了多少錢,你的支出無論如何都構成了別人的收入。

每月3000元的薪水是太多的債務,每月還5000元。 這意味著其他人有收入,但他們將崩潰。 如果有太多這樣的人,他們會把債務轉嫁給銀行。 在嚴重的情况下,他們可能會使銀行破產,並造成金融系統風險。 囙此,並不是每個人都應該也可以負債。

促進經濟增長的最佳管道是富人花更多的錢,擁有更多的債務。 他們可以投資和消費。 窮人可以從富人的支出中獲得收入,並通過投資致富,這也成為一種新的支出力量。

為什麼你覺得賺錢越來越難? 因為每個人都越來越謹慎地花錢,而其他人都不花錢,你去哪裡賺錢?



2016年之前,那些買房借錢的人後悔貸款太少。 2017年之後,大多數購買住房貸款的人也後悔自己借得太多。

為什麼借款和負債的結果如此不同? 因為債務收入和債務成本之間的關係。

2016年之前,房價一直在上漲,那一年房價急劇上漲。 房價的上漲高於借款利息。 當然,你借的錢越多越好。 2017年後,大多數都市的房價沒有上漲,甚至下跌,但貸款利息必須嚴格支付。 此時,貸款成了一種負擔。

借款和負債沒有對錯之分。 正確或錯誤的是時機、週期和使用者。

債務是中性的,有兩面性。 重要的是你如何看待它。

做商業貸款的壓力很大。 你可能會賠錢或破產。 但是你可以通過借錢來擴大投資,你可能會賺很多錢。 富人不是很富有嗎?! 購買住房貸款的壓力很大。 付清薪水後,月供中剩下的錢很少了。 我不敢沒有生活質量的消費,但我名下有資產,住在自己的房子裏。 如果房價再次上漲,我會節省租金並賺取收入嗎?!

我們只看到壓力,而不是動機,只看到成本,而不是收入,只看到債務,而不是資產,只看到金錢損失,而不是賺錢,只看到價格下跌,而不是價格上漲。 我們認為債務回報是理所當然的,但債務支出確實很痛苦……人們對借貸和債務有很多情感宣洩,但這毫無意義。




此外,還有一點被許多人忽視了。 也就是借錢和借債……你借的錢可能與別人的不同。


債務就是債務? 事實上,情况完全不同。


以住房貸款為例。 一些人的住房貸款利率上升了30%,年利率敢於達到6%以上。 有些人使用公積金貸款,利率只有3.25%。 有些人的利率是20%或30%,而利率只有4%左右。

雖然利差僅為2%左右,但如果貸款為100萬元,還款期限為30年,則總利差超過40萬。 4%的利率抵押貸款比6%的利率抵押和每月還款(每年近16000元)少1300元左右。


有些貸款每月付息,到期還本,而另一些貸款每月還本付息。 似乎利率是一樣的,借款金額也是一樣的,但不同的還款方式和當前的還款壓力是不同的。


如果月利息到期還本,10年內月還款僅3000元左右,100萬元的本金需要在10年的最後一個月結清。 如果本金和利息等額支付,每月還款將接近5000元,這意味著1000多個壓力。

如果貸款是100萬或500萬怎麼辦? 那麼現時的還款壓力將更大。


有些人借錢1年或3年,而其他人借錢10年或20年。 在利率相同、貸款金額相同、還款方式相同的情况下,當前的還款壓力能否與資金流動空間相同?



有些人可能會說,早晚付本息和早晚付利息有什麼區別? 這有很大的不同。

